Anxiety Services Offered Throughout Virginia

No one can avoid anxiety in their daily life, but for nearly one-third of teens and adults, anxiety turns into an intense feeling that affects their health and the way they live. At Vital Health & Integrative Care, Aminata Kamara, FNP, PMHNP-BC, offers comprehensive care to patients throughout Virginia. Whether you want to learn more about your anxious feelings or need ongoing treatment for an anxiety disorder, you can get help through the convenience of telehealth. To learn more, call the office or use the online booking tool today.

What is anxiety?

Everyone has anxiety at times because it’s a natural response to a stressful, unexpected, worrisome, or frightening situation. In small doses, anxiety energizes your body, preparing you to face the challenge, whether it’s a job interview or test at school.

After you face the event, your anxious feelings should go away. Anxiety becomes a problem when it occurs frequently or causes uncontrollable fear and worry.

If anxiety compels you to change your daily routine, or sticks around even when you don’t have an immediate threat, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Are there different anxiety disorders?

You can develop several types of anxiety disorders. Several of the most common include:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

GAD causes nearly constant and excessive worry over everyday issues such as your job and children, even when you don’t have a current problem.

Social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder, once called social phobia, causes fear when you meet new people or face a social or performance situation. In many cases, people with social anxiety disorder worry they will be judged or embarrassed.

Specific phobia

You have a specific phobia if you have an intense fear of a specific object or activity, such as spiders or a fear of heights.

Panic disorder

Anyone can have random panic attacks, but you have a panic disorder when you have recurrent panic attacks.

What symptoms accompany anxiety?

Anxiety (feeling fear, dread, and worry) often occurs together with symptoms such as:

  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Stomach aches
  • Irritability and nervousness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Headaches and body aches

Panic attacks cause severe symptoms that often seem like a heart attack. You may experience excessive sweating, rapid breathing, dizziness, and chest pain or tightness.

How is anxiety treated?

Aminata learns about your symptoms and emotions and when they occur. She completes a psychiatric evaluation to determine your diagnosis. Identifying the type of anxiety disorder guides your treatment.

You may need medication for severe anxiety and panic attacks, but the most common treatment is psychotherapy. Aminata Kamara has extensive experience using several therapies that effectively treat anxiety. For example, she may teach different ways of thinking and reacting to situations, help you face specific fears, or use mindfulness techniques or relaxation exercises.

You can overcome anxiety with help at Vital Health & Integrative Care. Call the office or use the online booking tool to schedule a telehealth appointment today.

We Offer Treatment For Anxiety, Depression, And Substance Abuse.

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